Working For You For Free

ESL Job Network’s FREE Placement service not only help you create an overseas adventure while in teaching ESL in Korea . We also provide a support system designed to make sure that everything that should go right- contract, working conditions, accommodations, relocation, and living conditions - does go right! In addition, you will also benefit from a wide array of services that being an ESL Job Network candidate affords you.

Career Control

  • We try to get to know more about you, your situation plans and needs; careful to place you in the right position
  • We take into consideration your personal situation, professional capability and requisite to locate your desired school
  • You have the choice, to work in your choice location whenever you are ready.
  • You have the final say, which is almost difficult under normal recruiting conditions

Local Knowledge

  • Since we are base in Korea we put your application in front of them first. Informing you ahead of latest assignments, current trends, actual situations and help you draw reasonable expectations on living and working here.
  • Our Korean network provide you safe contracts with establish schools

Application Processing

  • We will guide you through your application process and follow up on the schools of your choice unitil you are hired.
  • Maintain your visibility in the midst of other candidates. Bear in mind that the industry is immensely popular and you are competing against those who have applied and those who will apply.
  • Guidance in the design of your Korean friendly CV to maximize your hireability.
  • Pointers on specific differences that exist in our cultures -- and how some shattered their chances by neglecting them.

Relocation Service

  • Visa sponsorship processing in Korea,flight reservation and payment. Airport pickup and transport nationwide
  • Our assurance that all visa documents you send to us are returned to you safely
  • We mitigate the risk often associated with living and working abroad, allowing you of a safe and rewarding position
  • We address your relocation questions and concerns. You can reach us 24/7

Contract Negotiation

  • Support with contract negotiation and translation
  • We are committed to ensuring that you are well remunerated for your work
  • Our commitment to secure you the best ESL teaching contract possible.
  • Unlike other services we do our best to convince schools to provide relocation allowance and should you need, we can arrange to have a portion of your pay paid in advance, usually a few days after you have taught your classes.
  • We are your local intercessor that advocates your needs and match you to an appropriate ESL school. Should a need arise we can also be an impartial mediator between you and your school.
  • For transparency we provide our candidates contacts of ESL teachers currently working at the school where you will be employed to personally conduct background check.

Local Support

  • We are happy to help! Whatever the issue or query, we are available to discuss your personal circumstance on the phone, face to face, or on the net.
  • We will check on you to make sure that all is well between you and your school
  • Throughout your contractual year in Korea we are at your service.

Employment Continuity

  • Should you require , we will keep you working. As you complete an assignment, we can arrange another, always taking into account your personal requirements.

Refer a Friend Bonus

For each friend that you refer to us, who then teaches a minimum of 90 days, you will receive a cash bonus of $150!


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