Student Types

Pupils range from pre-school kids to adults including college students, housewives, businessmen, and professionals . There are several schools that specialize on particular age group. Should you have a strong preference in a particular age group, kindly let us know in advance

Typical Student body at Hagwon (Private ESL Centers)

  • Pre schoolers, Korean age 4-6 yrs : not yet attending Korean public school
  • Elementary, 6-11 yrs : attending state school 8.30am-2.30pm
  • Middle and High School, 11-17 yrs : attending state school until approx 4pm and then most likely attending extra classes or tuition classes as well as having a heavy load of state school homework to complete
  • Adult and Tertiary/University Students : usually attend classes either before or after university lectures. Early in the morning. 7am-9am or after 7pm in theevening
  • Housewives : Due to household chores and family obligations, these ladies usually attend classes early in the morning, after lunch, or late in the evening.


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